Semnan's regional water corporation –subset of management department of iran's water resources- is one of the govermental corporations that do below tasks in set and within statute of macro power ministry and by emphasis to moral charter:

·         Identify and program water resources of province

·         Study and perform expantion projects. supply and transfer water resources

·         Protect surface and suberraneanwater resources quantitatively and qualitatively

·         Devote and observe on exploitation of water resources

·         Perform noticed tasks from power ministry

·         Prepare, and analyse basic statistics and informations of water resources

This association honor inorder to fulfill the above objectives and ensure to exhibit excellent services and improve the standard quality -ISO 9001:2008- constantly and also establish quality management system with international standard of services and try to increase satisfaction of subscribers more than before.

Topics of quality policy is declared as follows:

·         Trying to increase quality of services and improve management of water resources.

·         Correct and improve constantly the processes and methods that used to perform services oriented to information technology (IT).

·         Supply customer's legal requirements and increase their satisfaction by simplification and acceleration in exhibiting the services.

·         Improve technical skills and abilities of staffs as the most valuable association's asset and emphasis on human dignity and trying to increase their awareness and satisfaction.

Association's manager inorder to fulfill the above objectives engage himself to obtain the requirements and improve efficiency of quality manangement system constantly and to continuity and proportionality this to the organization's goals, investigate this policy constantly in management overview meetings.

Since these goals will be achieved by mental effort and practice staff, so it is necessary to colleagues trying to establish these goals constantly and help management to achive them.

Atabak Jaafary

Chairman andCEO (Chief Executive Officer)




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